Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Pew Poll: Stimulus News Seen More Negative Than Positive

The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, a public opinion research organization that claims to be non-partisan (but in reality somewhat liberal as with most news related organizations), reported late today that as the debate over President Obama’s $800+ billion so-called economic stimulus plan played out in Congress over the past week, more Americans were hearing bad things than good things about the legislation.
Close to half (48%) of the public says that what they were reading and hearing about the plan in the news was “mostly negative,” while about three-in-ten (29%) say what they read and heard was “mostly positive.” Some 17% say they saw a mix of both, according to the Pew Research Center’s weekly News Interest Index survey conducted Feb. 6-9.
A report like this usually comes when the establishment media can no longer run cover for a political issue because worrisome little things like details have become available through the alternative media.

Read it.

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