Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Newsweek Obama Campaign Reporter Joins Obama Administration

The mutual back scratching and slobbering love affair between so-called journalists and Obama continues. Here's news of the most recent open-mouthed, tongue lapping exchange.

From The American Spectator:
Daren Briscoe, a Newsweek correspondent who was embedded with Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign, has taken a job with the Obama administration, according to an email sent to a listserv of his classmates at the Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism.

The email, written by Time reporter and fellow Columbia grad Jay Newton-Small, said Briscoe would be serving as deputy associate director of public affairs for the Office of National Drug Control Policy as of Monday.

"Despite his multiple basketball games with our commander-in-chief, he always brought a skeptical eye to his work and in conversations about the candidate," Newton-Small wrote the email.

Briscoe's campaign reporting helped provide the basis for Newsweek's book on the campaign, A Long Time Coming.
Briscoe will work for Obama "drug czar" Gil Kerlikowske, who was sworn in on June 19.

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