Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Huckabee is Not a Conservative

Mike Huckabee is an evangelical but he is not a conservative.

The MoJo has yet to decide which candidate to support, but we have decided which candidates not to support.

The MoJo does not support liberalism, thus we do not support Democrats, nor do we support Mike Huckabee.

Conservatism is defined by conservative actions, not through identity politics.

As Rush Limbaugh noted on his radio program today:
"Ladies and gentlemen, Gov. Huckabee, mighty fine man and is a great Christian, is not a conservative, he’s just not. If you look at his record as governor, he’s got some conservative tendencies on things but he’s certainly not the most conservative of the candidates running on the Republican side."
Governor Huckabee supports open borders and amnesty.

Limbaugh concludes:
"Conservatism, ladies and gentlemen, true conservatism balances budgets by cutting government, not by raising taxes. Governor Huckabee is opposed to school choice, and he said we should treat dictators and terrorists with the Golden Rule."
Evangelicals point to Governor Huckabee's stand on abortion as the reason for their zealous support. Those evangelicals have fallen victim to identity politics and fail to understand that politically, procedurally, and legally, the president can do NOTHING to effect abortion other than to appoint conservative Supreme Court Justices.


Surge Success: Most Important - Least Reported Story of 2007

Writing in the New York Post, Ralph Peters says as 2007 drew to a close, embarrassed journalists sought to play down American military successes and avoided questioning Democratic presidential contenders about their predictions of inevitable failure in Iraq.
The greatest media story of 2007 was the one you never read (unless you read The Post): The year was a strategic catastrophe for Islamist terrorists - and possibly a historic turning point in the struggle against al Qaeda and its affiliates.
Muslims by the tens of millions publicly rejected the message and methods of al Qaeda and its affiliates who revel in the slaughter of the innocent.

Tens of thousands of fellow Muslims, previously allied with al Qaeda, turned their weapons against the fanatics. It was the biggest global story since 9/11. And it was buried on Page 14, if mentioned at all.

Peters concludes the bottom line on 2007 is simply this: While many in the media want you to believe it was another disaster for the United States, it was the worst year for the terrorists since 2001.

And we should have learned the utility of fighting, instead of letting liberal-elite America-haters inflict their defeatist agenda on our country and the world.

Read it.

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Huck is Losing it

Writing in The National Review, Byron York says Team Huckabee is trying hard not to appear defensive about the governor’s somewhat odd performance in the last couple of days, a period dominated by his I’m-not-going-to-air-this-negative-ad, but-I-am-going-to-show-it-to-the-press news conference and, later, by a full day of complaining about Romney’s attacks. By the end of those 48 hours, Huckabee seemed in danger of channeling Bob Dole’s famous -- and disastrous -- “stop lying about my record” moment from 1988.
This morning Mike Huckabee will appear at campaign events in Fort Dodge and Mason City, Iowa, and then, around noon, board a private jet for a destination not usually favored by front-runners on the eve of the Iowa caucuses: Burbank, California. There, he will tape an appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, and, after the show, hop back on the jet and head back to Iowa, planning to arrive by about 2 A.M. Thursday. His first event on Caucus Day will be at 8:30 A.M. in Burlington, and he’ll go straight through until the votes are counted in the evening.
York concludes Romney sees in Huckabee an opponent who has stumbled badly in the last 48 hours. In the unaired ad, Romney spokesman Kevin Madden told me, “Huckabee did what many Iowa voters reject, which was that he put his fingerprints on the gun. He delivered his own negative ad, and it was very personal in nature.” Romney’s own attack ads — Madden always calls them “contrast” ads — feature an unseen stern-voiced announcer and don’t show Romney himself saying anything negative. “Huckabee’s closing argument seems to be very volatile and hot tempered,” Madden said.
Romney’s entire performance in the last month has been a test of the conventional wisdom that Iowans don’t like negative campaigning and will punish those candidates who engage in it. Madden argues that Iowa voters “tend to be accepting of contrasts on issues that are substantive and important in the debate.” Romney has bet a lot on that idea, but there’s no guarantee he’s right. For all he knows, voters might care little about an ad that Mike Huckabee didn’t air and very much about ads that Romney did air thousands of times. And in any event, the Huckabee campaign is betting that by caucus time, people will be talking more about Huckabee on The Tonight Show than about a press conference that virtually no one saw.
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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Why Do Democrats Want Us to Fail in Iraq?

Writing in The American Thinker, Adam G. Mersereau asks if Democrats really want us to fail in Iraq?
Any time our government takes us to war, there is bound to be strong disagreement, but Iraq has been particularly divisive. At times it seems as if some Americans -- certain liberal Democrats in particular -- are eager to declare or even hasten our defeat.
Why do so many Democrats cling so tenaciously to hopelessness, failure and despair in Iraq, even in the face of important recent successes?
The reason for this defeatism among Democrats lies beneath mere power politics, electioneering or disdain for President Bush. The real source of defeatism is rooted deep within the liberal mind.

Defeatist Democrats oppose the war in Iraq, not so much because they fear failure, but because they believe failure is inevitable. They believe the Bush Administration's goal of helping Iraq establish a democratic government is a fool's errand. They believe that the Western values on which democratic government is based -- and the Judeo-Christian truths from which those Western values are derived -- are not valid for Iraqis.
But in fairness Mersereau concludes, Democrats are not unpatriotic; they simply define America differently than most Americans. To Democrats, America is a very small place. They do not believe that America's greatness is found in the truth of its founding principles, but in their own enlightened leadership, and in a deconstructed brand of "freedom" that more and more resembles license.

Democrats do not believe our founding truths are necessarily true at all. No wonder they want to cut and run.

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Monday, December 31, 2007

Man of the Year: President Bush

Writing today in The American Thinker, Christopher Chantrill asks who is the one individual who has made the biggest difference in the world in the last year?

The answer is obvious to all but the liberal, mainstream media: It is President George W. Bush.

Chantrill continues:
He is not just Man of the Year. He is Man of the Decade. Whether it was the contested election of 2000, the response to 9/11, the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, the "mess in Iraq," and the surge, the guy in the middle was President Bush. Whether it's the success of the 2003 tax cuts, the mess of No Child Left Behind, or the gigantic expansion of Medicare, the go-to guy is President Bush.
Read it.

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