Saturday, November 1, 2008

I Voted

I voted early on Saturday.

I proudly voted a straight Republican ticket.

In Obama's Tax Plan the Middle Class Makes Less Than:


The truth of the matter is that when/if Democrats in Congress, with the help of a president Obama, simply allow the Bush tax cuts to expire in 2010, AMERICANS WHO ACTUALLY PAY TAXES WILL SEE A HUGE TAX INCREASE.


Obama Wants to Send Civilians Into Battle?



Obama's November Surprise

Barack Obama's Aunt in Boston has been living in the U.S. illegally for four years, the Associated Press reported today:
Zeituni Onyango, 56, referred to as "Aunti Zeituni" in Obama's memoir, was instructed to leave the United States by a U.S. immigration judge who denied her asylum request, a person familiar with the matter told the AP late Friday. This person spoke on condition of anonymity because no one was authorized to discuss Onyango's case.

Information about the deportation case was disclosed and confirmed by two separate sources, one of them a federal law enforcement official.
Read it.

In another story AP reported that Obama said Saturday he didn't know his aunt was living in the United States illegally.

This, of course, follows similar past statements from Obama, in which he claims ignorance of certain facts about past associations, alliances and family members.

Obama operatives said "that any and all appropriate laws [should] be followed," which raises the question of deportation.

AP reports Obama's aunt had been instructed to leave the country four years ago by an immigration judge who rejected her request for asylum from her native Kenya.

Read it.

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Video Ad: The 7even Deadly Obamanations

The Governator Talks About the Obamanation


Gov. Schwarzenegger says Sen. Obama needs to buff up, put some meat on his ideas....

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Friday, October 31, 2008

Warning: Obama Loss 'Will Spark the Second American Civil War. Blood Will Run in the Streets'

Writing in The New York Observer, reporter Jason Horowitz says a few days ago, author and feminist Erica Jong feminist, gave an interview to the Italian daily Corriere della Sera.
Basically, Jong says her fear that Obama might lose the election has developed into an "obsession. A paralyzing terror. An anxious fever that keeps you awake at night." She also says that her friends Jane Fonda and Naomi Wolf are extremely worried that Obama will be sabotaged by Republican dirty tricks, and that if an Obama loss indeed comes to pass, the result will be a second American Civil War.
Read it.

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Video: Dear Mr. Obama


NOTE: Originally posted Sept. 20.


Video: 2001, Obama compares America to Nazi Germany


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Audio: Obama Chose Friends Carefully, Sought Marxists



Video: Gun Sales Up in FL on Fear of Obama Presidency



Video: 1995, Obama Says Rev. Wright and Black Liberation Theology 'Best Black Church Has to Offer'



Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The 'Blue' Plate Lunch: An Urban Redistribution Anecdote

Here is something circulating around the Net (lightly edited):
Today on my way to an early lunch I drove past an unemployed homeless guy standing on the corner next to my destination. He was holding a hand-scratched and scribbled sign that read "Vote for Obama, I need money."

I laughed out loud as I pulled into the parking lot and jumped out of my car.

Once inside the restaurant, I noticed my waiter wearing an "Obama 08: Working for the Middle Class" campaign button. Again I laughed as I considered the irony of the coincidence.

When the bill came I decided to put Obama politics in motion.

I asked the waiter if he had heard about "Joe the Plumber" and explained to him that I was exploring Obama's concept of spreading the wealth around. The waiter stood mouth agape in disbelief while I told him that I was going to redistribute his tip to someone who I deemed more in need. I pointed to the homeless guy outside.

The server angrily stormed from my sight.

I promptly proceeded outside, gave the homeless guy $10, and told him to thank the waiter working inside. Like Obama, I said, I've decided who could best use the money.

The homeless guy was very grateful, which made me feel really good about myself. He confessed that it had been quite some time since he had been a party to a fine wine, and shuffled off toward the liquor store down the block.

At the end of my rather unscientific exploration into socialism, I realized the homeless guy was grateful for the money he didn't earn, but the waiter was pretty mad that I gave away the money he did earn, even though the actual recipient of the tip "lacked" the money more.

I guess the idea of spreading the wealth around in America works better in theory than it does in practice. Beware of the unintended consequences of doing things just to make yourself feel good instead of doing things because they are the right things to do.


Monday, October 27, 2008

Strike 2: Biden Bans Philly Station


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Video: Obama Says Constitution Funamentally Flawed


Obama said Constitution 'reflected fundamental flaw of this country that continues to this day'...

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Video: Obama 2001 Redistribution of Wealth Interview


Obama in 2001: Tragedy that redistribution of wealth not perused by the Supreme Court

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