Saturday, August 23, 2008

Zogby: Obama Polls Fall in 12 Point Turnaround

John Zogby writes as the Democrats gather for their quadrennial convention in Denver, it is clear that Sen. Barack Obama is on the ropes. After leading John McCain in presidential matchups for months, our new Reuters/Zogby poll this past week shows Obama trailing by 5 points nationally. This is a 12 point turnaround from the Reuters/Zogby poll in July, which showed Obama comfortably leading McCain 47%-40%. While it seems dramatic, we need to understand that this has been a slow and steady transition. And the reasons are clear.
Obama has clearly lost high levels of support from young voters and liberals. Many liberals are tough and demand purity and Obama has appeared to compromise on issues dear to their hearts like civil liberties, Iraq, and off-shore oil drilling. Similarly, some young people are beginning to question whether the compromising centrist Obama is the different sort of politician they were looking for.
Read it.

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Friday, August 22, 2008 The Case Against Obama - In His Own Words

Writing in, Lorie Byrd says it would be hard to make a better case against a Barack Obama presidency than the one Obama has made in his own words. The most memorable thing about Obama’s speeches is not generally what he says, but rather how large and enthusiastic the audiences are. If voters pay attention only to the symbolism and get caught up in the excitement of the Obamessiah and his throngs of fainting disciples, he stands a good chance of winning in November. If voters pay attention instead to the things Obama is saying, the case against an Obama presidency will be clear.

Read it.

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Zogby: Obama Falls Below Needed 270 on Electoral Map as McCain Rises

Zogby today reported with the Democratic Convention just days away, the Zogby Electoral College map at still has Democratic Barack Obama ahead of Republican John McCain, but the shift of three battleground states - Florida (27 Electoral College votes) from toss-up to McCain, Colorado (9 Electoral College votes) and New Hampshire (4 Electoral College votes) from Obama to undecided brings Obama below the 270 electoral votes needed for election.

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

McCain Up in New Polls

Proving once again the eternal wisdom of Abe Lincoln in his quote, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time," when presidential candidates met over the weekend in the first joint issues forum of the fall campaign, the latest polling has Republican John McCain with a five-point lead over Democrat Barack Obama in the race the latest Reuters/Zogby telephone survey shows.

A new Rasmussen poll of Florida voters finds Republican John McCain with a 2-point lead over Democrat Barack Obama — well within the poll’s 4.5 percent margin of error. McCain leads 48-to-46 percent.

Reuters reports the dip in support for Obama, who would be the first black U.S. president, cut across demographic and ideological lines. He slipped among Catholics, born-again Christians, women, independents and younger voters. He retained the support of more than 90 percent of black voters.

It's no wonder Obama is a coward when it comes to meeting McCain's challenges of debating him in town hall type forums.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Messiah Crushed at Saddleback

Last weekend's McCain-Obama protodebate made it clear why Obama won't keep his promise to debate McCain "anywhere, anytime." McCain, with a robust resume and details at his fingertips, won big, reports Investor's Business Daily.

Read it.

In other news, Biden and Obama have called for humanitarian aid for Georgia.

However, as of Monday, the U.S. military had already delivered over $2 million in aid to Georgia.

Hopefully, these wanabe leaders will stop trying to be so nuanced, get up to speed, and keep up!

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