Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Media Reports Obama News Conference Sans Teleprompter: Not Really

Some media outlets reported Wednesday that President Barack Obama gave his Tuesday prime time news conference sans teleprompter.

The truth of the matter is that Obama used perhaps the largest-ever, big-screen teleprompter for the event.

Maybe the press is right? Obama used a megaprompter.

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Zogby, March 24: Obama Drops Below 50%

In an article on the Zogby Web site, President Barack Obama's ratings for job performance and favorability did not improve over earlier this month.

In the most recent survey, 49% rate his job performance as excellent or good and 50% as fair or poor (less than 1% were not sure.)

That is a dip of three points from the previous poll. The percentages who feel very or somewhat favorable toward Obama remained unchanged between the two polls, with 55% now and 56% in the previous poll.

